Monday, September 30, 2013


BlackBerry and Surface 2: The Fight to Reclaim Past Glory
Both BlackBerry and Microsoft have been in far stronger positions with regard to personal technology. At one time, Microsoft was contending for leadership in smartphones against Palm and BlackBerry, and BlackBerry took leadership only to lose it to Apple and then Samsung. Microsoft put tablets on the map in the early part of last decade, but it missed a memo and Apple refined them to success.

Scientists Catch Up With Jedi in Understanding Light
Scientists from Harvard, MIT and CIT have demonstrated that light can behave in a way previously observed only in science fiction -- that is, photons can bond and create a molecule. The fundamental properties of light derive from the fact that photons, which are the quanta of light, do not interact with one another. Two crossed beams of light pass through each other, for example.

Long-range shot

Long-range shot Tracking Point, a startup based in Austin, Texas, just began selling some of the world's most high-tech long-range shooting rifles available. These guns come wired with a small computer that provides a "guided trigger," tag and lock technology, and a Wi-Fi antenna, which lets users gather ballistics data in real time and live-stream their shots to share on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, or e-mail.
The key to Tracking Point's firearms is that anyone -- even someone who's never picked up a rifle -- can hit a target at distances of up to 1,200 yards, or 12 football fields, with near 100 percent accuracy.

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